The president’s approach to work is an action of stimulating individualization in culture and everyday life through Media Art, thus creating the human rights as a natural right to be positively different, by encouraging the process of re-inventing the Human Self and creating artistic individualization in postfeminist period, without gender discrimination.

The NGO « Culture, Media and Education »-ARTHEA as well as me professionally, aim at cultural integration of several cultural backgrounds in Europe and the world; we aim to establish an intensive intercultural communication and networking among students and their mentors in analysis of the social and cultural context of everyday life. All activities are designed in an original and inovative way which re-actualise audio/visual modes of creative expression and communication known as GLOCAL (Global and Local ) approach. The main aim to us is to build and/or increase capacities of all participants in creative intercultural communication and to encourage the concept of Lifelong Learning as a mode of adaptation to the constantly transforming cultural and social environment.
