Fairy Tales by Ivana Brlic Mazuranic in the World

Final e-learning work of 2nd year students of Teacher Education Department at UNISB, University of Slavonski Brod, within the course Contemporary Media in Literature Teaching, under the mentorship of PhD. Vesna Srnić, research associate.


Performance Glocal rhythms of emancipation (23 May 2020)


Performance Glocal Rhythms of Emancipation organized by the civil association Culture, Media and Education – ARTHEA and in cooperation with the Elementary School Ivan Goran Kovačić, Crafts School and the Faculty of Education in Osijek, department in Slavonski Brod was performed on Saturday, May 23 on the main city square at 12 o’clock, in front of several hundred citizens.


Baroque in Glocal Postmodern Approach – at European Schoolnet Academy

Baroque in Glocal Postmodern Approach is a project and a Learning Scenario made for “The European Schoolnet Academy” in Brussels, Belgium, specifically for the Europeana in your classroom: building 21st-century competences with digital cultural heritage course, through 5 Modules of MOOC (Massive Open Online Course).

The topic Baroque in Glocal Postmodern Approach is an interdisciplinary lesson for Cultural History Heritage subject in Secondary Crafts School (3rd graders – 17 year old students) and for English Language subject in Advanced group (5th graders – 11 year old students and one 8th grader – 13 year old) of Primary school Ivan Goran Kovacic (Slavonski Brod, Croatia), all done by Ph.D. Vesna Srnic.

It is a kind of Vertical education as well as Glocal (Global+Local) integral and innovative approach to curriculum.


Hologram and the Real: Forest Television as a Social Intelligence Interrelationship

Civil organization “Culture, Media and Education” – ARTHEA performing event “Hologram and the Real: Forest Television” was realized on 25 May, 2019 at the main town square of the Croatian city Slavonski Brod with the alluring enthusiasm of all of us: the Zagreb dancers of contemporary dance Nastasja Štefanić and Tamara Curić, musician from Opatija Vedran Ružić on double bass, Tomislav Brezičević from Zagreb on hang drum, and 98 students of “Faculty of Education” in Osijek, department in Slavonski Brod who have created multimedia works for the “Media Culture” course. The author of the project Ph.D.Vesna Srnić, Arthea president is a lecturer as well, while the vice dean Ph.D. Emine Berbić-Kolar gave us a great overall support. Technical supervision for the hologram was done by Connect IT, thanks to Avishai Cohen his song“Remembering” was a background music, and sponsors were the “Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia”, the “City of Slavonski Brod” and the “Connect IT Association”.

Situationally Performative Smartphone Orchestra

The project, titled Situationally Performative Smartphone Orchestra, examines the relationship “Humans vs. Tehne “, and continues on lectures and seminars of the course Media Culture lectured by the author Dr.Vesne Srnic.

Performance project is an elaborated continuation of last years multicultural themes called Glocal Multimedia Culture: The World Image and Performativeness of Glocal Consciousness, with an emphasis on educational and scientific / artistic urban affect, mitigation of xenophobia as foreign / different from traditional, via interdisciplinary and integrated education of students and citizens through innovative art practice.
More at: http://glocal-art.ning.com and SBTV News (in Croatian).




CONDUCTED PERFORMANCE (Vođeni performance) at “Contemporary Media in Literature Lectures”

Faculty of Teacher Education in Osijek, Department in Slavonski Brod

2nd year students

Associate Professor PhD. Emina Berbić-Kolar

Mentor and concept leader: PhD. Vesna Srnic, Research Fellow



Post-modernism in PhD Vesna Srnic teaching Media Culture at the J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Education in Osijek, Department in Slavonski Brod.

Environmental random sounds (news, harmonious and disharmonious, laughter, whispering, noise, croon) from the exterior and interior of the Faculty of Education in Osijek, Department in Slavonski Brod.


2nd Year Students’ Project with Mobile phones:

Contemporary Media in Literature Courses, 2016.

Associate Professor PhD. Emina Berbić-Kolar

Concept leader and Mentor: PhD. Vesna Srnic,  Research Fellow

Faculty of Education in Osijek, Department in Slavonski Brod


Prix Ars Electronica Collide@CERN was the new international competition for digital artists to win a residency at CERN the world’s largest particle physics laboratory in Geneva.

Media-via editor and “Culture, Media and Learning” association’s president Ph.D Vesna Srnic was also participating in competition Prix Ars Electronica Collide@CERN with a project: “UNIFYING THE HUMAN AND TECHNOLOGICAL MULTITASKING IN MULTIMEDIA ART”.


Glocal Multimedia Art: Urban Performance ( Under UNESCO protection ) /http://media-via.ning.com

Urban_performanceThe Glocal Multimedia Art: Urban Performance is a multicultural improvisation where three teames from three countries will performe the artistic effect of astonishment at their town squares, in precisely agreed time. Urban Performance as a special happening will be performed in these three towns from three countries: Warshaw (Illinois, US), Petach Tikva (Israel) and Slavonski Brod (Croatia).

The action will be monitored by four mentors/teachers: Rick Glass (US, Harrison Elementary School, Warshaw), Marsha Goren (Israel, Ein Ganim School, Petach Tikva) and Vesna Srnić in collaboration with Rozalija Baričević (Croatia, Primary school Ivan Goran Kovacic, Slavonski Brod), through online platforme Media-via.net.

The aim of a project is an intensive communication of students and mentors through cultural integration while exploring the context of everyday life in a new way, actualizing astonishing visual worlds, reevaluating and reinventing „new seeing“ in educational Global and Local (GLOCAL) approach, encouraging Life long learning.


A performance of mixing the soil from three countries – Scotland, Finland and Croatia and planting three national plants, was performed in the Gallery Balen in Croatian town Slavonski Brod. Three secondary schools (Shawlands Academy from Glasgow, Klaukkalan Ylaaste from Helsinky and Secondary school Matija Antun Reljkovic from Slavonski Brod) during collaboration have made online e-zine for the Europe@school competition. Project leader was MA Vesna Srnic from Croatia, and mentors Jacqui Crooks and Kimmo Puikkonen. The performance was opened by Croatian Minister for Ecology Bozo Kovacevic http://planet-europe.sbnet.hr

“As the theme of website was “Art and Ecology for Planet Europe” we chose to symbolise the bonding of our three nations by mixing Croatian, Finish and Scotish soil and planting the young plants of oak tree, birch and heather!

Tiia, Kevin and Josipa took everyone’s soil, and put it in a bigger box. Minister Bozo Kovacevic joined us and took part in the mixing. We mixed the soil and put it again in little boxes. In each box we planted plants from three countries, which symbolized the bonding of these three countries! We were totaly excited! Almost without breath and laughing all the time. There were little mistakes, but no one noticed, and the atmosphere was perfect!

Our performance was even televised and we appeared on National Croatian TV news, and on a teenage magazine programme about the environment, in Croatia.

It was a wonderful occasion, and one that will remain forever in our memories.”

Josipa from Secondary school Matija Antun Reljkovic



A video at:

( I do not own the audio material, it’s just for nonprofit educational purposes)

«The Soul of the World» is a short, but intensively composited multimedial poem about rootsy parts of prayers and mantra of powerful world’s religions: Christian, Hindu/Buddhistic, Islamic and Jewish, lasting for 5 minutes and 41 seconds.

Along with abstract sequences of visual liturgical inscriptions, the auditive recordings of prayers are asinchronically in line, and in a joint culmination, cacophony finishes in white.

The project has been created in the frame of optional course «Multimedia Culture» of the «Faculty of Teacher Education in Osijek, disployed studying in Slavonski Brod» during 2006th , where the second year students have been working on the interdisciplinary research of the world’s religions, experimental audio-visual utterance and artistic performance, led by M.A. Vesna Srnic, as the idea actuator and lecturer.

The video was premierely shown at the International festival of contemporary music:  24th Music Biennale Zagreb (Croatia, Europe). http://mbz.hr/hrv/arhiv/2007

A promotional video made by student Tomislav Lacic:

Croatian OTV interview in gallery during Biennale:






Multimedia project “The Light” was created for Primary school Ivan Goran Kovacic in Slavonski Brod  (Croatia, Europe) and consists of two presentational sections: educational film (10,57 min) as a multidisciplinary research and a PowerPoint presentation which consists of a number of computer designed ambiences.

Intensively composited  project actually has been made as the Performance which aimes to prolong the perception and accomplishes a special effect of an astonishment.



Mind mapping in Croatian Trade school is an art history researching while learning about “Aesthetics and Art” and “Cultural-history heritage”. Students work in teams and try to make artistic mind maps. They present them to the rest of the class. Teacher PhD. Vesna Srnic

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The Croatian Primary school IGK 6 grade teams were creating a nice mind maps about their famous  films, as well as a famous Comic strips.  (WORK IN PROGRESS)

The mentor, Vesna Srnic, an english teacher